Frequently asked questions

We regularly get asked questions about the subsidy and the programme. You can download a comprehensive document of all FAQs or explore some of them on this page.

All FAQs document
EEF Project

EEF Project

What are the eligibility rules for this Primary Maths Scale up?

Schools must meet the following criteria.

  • England only, so no schools in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland or in other countries.
  • All mainstream, state-funded primary schools, so no private/independent schools, colleges/universities or special schools.

Are schools required to input any research or feedback?

No - this is simply a scale up.

Will there be randomisation, control and intervention groups similar to other EEF Research Trials?

No - this is simply a scale up.


Does the programme cater for SEND pupils?

Yes. The materials provided meet national curriculum expectations. Teachers, however, can adapt and tailor the learning specific to the needs of their pupils. When a school signs up to the full programme for KS1 and KS2, they have access to all year groups from Reception – Year 6. If, for example, you have a pupil in Year 4 who is working at Year 2 national curriculum expectations, the Year 2 materials can be used to support that pupil. We also offer explicit intervention materials (step-by-step), designed for non-specialists to be able to deliver, that focus on closing gaps in any fundamental areas that are acting as a barrier to future success.

Does the programme cater for more able pupils?

Yes. All tasks can be tailored to meet the needs of specific pupils, including creating more challenge for some pupils. Each task gives an example of how it might be adapted to make it more challenging. Teachers can use the examples given or create their own. Every teacher attends induction training and has access to the online training modules. These modules upskill the teacher with the knowledge to be able to adapt the materials provided to meet the needs of all pupils.

What makes Mathematics Mastery different from other schemes?

Our curriculum resources are much more comprehensive and more carefully sequenced. Our programme is not just a set of resources but is specifically designed to develop teacher subject knowledge and empower great teaching.

Mathematics Mastery includes unit-specific CPD tools that allow teachers to prepare for the lessons, and initial induction training for all staff to help them understand the principles of mastery and how to use and adapt the resources to individual settings. We also provide departmental workshops which offer a weekly opportunity for maths teachers to actually ‘do the maths’ themselves (one of the most effective forms of CPD) and collaboratively pool expertise to help them refine their delivery.

Your school will have a dedicated AC+ subject expert. They conduct a diagnostic call to understand your goals and plan your implementation, and they’re there to support throughout your journey helping you get the most from the partnership. They provide in-school coaching for your leadership team and teachers, and offer support through school visits, joint learning walks and bespoke CPD sessions.

Training and CPD

What are the training requirements for teachers and maths leads?

Every teacher and Mastery Lead (usually the school Maths Lead) attends a live launch of Induction Training, followed by four online modules, to be completed over a few weeks. A final sixth live session brings the learning together for both teachers and Mastery Leads.

All day face-to-face training is offered in Manchester and London. Schools will have four inperson

All modules within the Induction Training are also available asynchronously for teachers and Mastery Leads to complete at a time that suits them if they are unable to attend the live sessions. Induction Training is also provided asynchronously for SLT to support the programme's implementation.

From the Autumn term, there is termly CPD for teachers and Mastery Leads. They both have nine modules to complete over three years, with each module taking approximately one hour to complete. For each completed module teachers gain a badge. After completing their three year programme of CPD, your Mastery Lead will earn the Ark Curriculum Plus Certificate in Programme Leadership.

Teaching and Learning

Do you offer any guidance on how to manage pupils who are at different levels doing the Independent Tasks in the classrooms?

For each Independent Task, we provide examples of what that task might look like with additional scaffolding (i.e. for pupils who may need more support) and what it might look like with some additional challenge (i.e. for pupils who need more challenge). This ensures all pupils are working on the same lesson objective. We also have training for teachers on adapting and differentiating to give them the confidence to know how to adapt the tasks for their specific pupils.

Does the scheme have a certain number of representations or a limited number?

There is a resource list for each Key Stage which lists the concrete representations used within year groups. There is also then a key representations document for each year group.

Is the programme suitable for mixed age/ability groups?

Our Mixed Age Curriculum Maps provide suggested sequencing for Y1/2, Y3/4 and Y5/6 based on aligning units with the most connections. Further guidance is provided on suggested classroom models, based on feedback of what works in our partner schools. This includes "the extended lesson", "the flipped lesson", "the staggered lesson" and "the split lesson". We have a mixed age workshop that your Development Lead (an AC+ subject expert) can deliver when they visit your school. Plus, they can work with you to build an implementation plan that fits the needs of your specific setting.


Can I purchase Key Stage 1 (KS1) only?

Yes you can. If you are a mainstream state-funded school, you will be eligible for the EEF subsidy for two years meaning the Reception and KS1 Mathematics Mastery programme will cost just £1,145 per year.

Can I purchase Key Stage 2 (KS2) only?

Yes you can. However, the KS2 programme is not eligible for the EEF subsidy. Please speak to a member of our team to get a quote for your school.

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